“like an eclipse”

of the writing i consumed this past year, one that stayed with me is this one by delia ephron. and as yet another new year greets, these words from her essay come to mind.

“To me, having it all — if one wants to define it at all — is the magical time when what you want and what you have match up. Like an eclipse. Personally, I believe having it all can last longer than that. It might be a fleeting moment — drinking a cup of coffee on a Sunday morning when the light is especially bright.  It might also be a few undisturbed hours with a novel I’m in love with, a three-hour lunch with my best friend … It’s when all your senses are engaged.  It’s when you feel at peace with someone you love.  And that isn’t often.”

new year’s resolutions always seemed cliche to me. made only to be broken, like recklessly made promises.

instead of any resolutions or goals, i hope this year is one filled with moments like these.

seeing someone i adore open up a little notebook to write down the places we’ve been to together and realizing that’s the first time i’ve seen his handwriting, seeing one of my best friend’s babies (little E) reach his tiny hands towards my face while babbling and squealing with delight and hearing my friend S say, “he’s trying to speak to you. that’s his way of speaking to you” … laughing over a meal with my parents at the same restaurant we’ve gone to since i was in high school …

i also hope that i’m wise enough to enjoy and value moments like those in this new year.

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